This weekend my friend Ashleigh came down to visit and I got to meet her baby boy, Gage. Amanda, Jessica, Ashleigh, and I got together for a "sip and see" at Ashleigh's mom's house along with other friends of Ashleighs. They brought their babies. It made me want Sage to be here even more! He already has the cutest friends!! I'm am so blessed to have so many friends going through this "baby stage" together! There are 4 more babies due between May and August! 
Sunday, March 29, 2009
33 Weeks!
Today is the 33 week point! Which means we have 49 days till our due date and finally get to meet Baby Sage. He is about 4 pounds and 17 inches long. Which is about as big as a pineapple! I'm hoping he comes a little earlier if possible. We have everything ready for him in our bedroom. The bassinet and glider are ready for a little one. The nursery is almost finished. We are waiting on a few more things to complete the room. I will post pictures as soon as it is ready.

Colt, Leighton, and Gage!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
8 Months!
Today is the 8 month mark!! Sage weighs about 3.75 pounds and is about 16.5 inches long. I feel him moving very often. Maybe he likes country music. We have been to the rodeo 4 times this year!
Last week I had a big surprise from the ladies on my street. Every month we have a breakfast and this month they threw a surprise shower for me! I was shocked and very thankful. Ryan and Jessica knew the whole time! It was a wonderful morning with good food and great people. We are so lucky to have such great neighbors. I got my jogging stroller I have been wanting. And little did I know, the stroller tracks your speed and distance! It also has a hook up for your i pod! We also got some diapers and a cute picture frame from everyone on the street! Thanks girls!!
OSU plays in about an hour!! Go Pokes!!! I have to wear Ryan's OSU shirts now :)
My surprise shower given by my neighbors (I wish I would have dressed up a bit more!)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Teddy Bear Shower!!
My mom, Me, and Jean
Carly, Me, and My mom
Thursday, March 12, 2009
4D Ultrasound at 30 weeks
Well, we went back to the doctor today to see if Baby Sage would cooporate this time and let us take some pictures of him. I ate some..ok a lot of skittles to see if that would get him moving.

We decided he just doesn't like his picture taken (like his daddy)! We got some good shots of him, but he had his hand or foot over his face the whole time. It was great seeing him twice this week, but we can't wait for him to be in our arms! For some reason only one pictures saved on the CD we took in. So I just had to scan the rest of the pictures they gave us. The pictures are not the greatest, but I hope you can see him. I will have them in my purse for weeks I'm sure, so if you see me I can show them to you. They are better in person!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 is the time
Wow... I received a package yesterday for Baby Sage. Little did I know that this would probably be the most memorable gift he has gotten. I opened the soft package and found two hand made blankets. One for Ryan and I and one for baby Sage. The baby blanket is blue with white lettering spelling out Sage. Cute, like every baby blanket you see. Then I saw the small handwritten note that would change everything. It wasn't written on fancy stationary. It didn't have a cute baby quote or picture on it like all the cards we have received so far. Just one short sentence. One that has touched me so deeply that I had to share. This is what the note said:

Side note...Baby Sage did not cooporate with the 4D pictures. He was facing my back and he never turned around. We are going back Thursday to try it again!! I will post them when I get them!
These were ordered some time ago: By Billie Marie with-"if and when"- now is the time.
Jimmie was my Grandma's (Grams) neighbor. They lived next to eachother for many years. Jimmie has watched Brian, Carly, and I grow up. Grams died in 2007. Sometime before she passed she asked Jimmie to make baby blankets for her great grandchildren, whenever that may be.
I was overcome with emotions after reading the note. I felt as if Grams were right there watching me open the gift she had thought of so long ago. This baby blanket is not only from Jimmie but from her as well. Miss you Grams!!

Side note...Baby Sage did not cooporate with the 4D pictures. He was facing my back and he never turned around. We are going back Thursday to try it again!! I will post them when I get them!
Friday, March 6, 2009

Well, Ryan and I decided to start a blog about our growing family. We have been blessed with a baby and wanted friends and family to be able to stay updated on our journey in becoming parents and watch our baby grow!
It all started last September when we found out we were pregnant. We found out a few days before our One Year Anniversary on September 22. I was excited and crying telling Ryan the good news. Ryan was stunned, happy, and nervous all at the same time.
The first 3 1/2 months of pregnancy were rough. I didn't feel well most of the time. I lived off of mashed potatoes and other plain foods.

Around 15 weeks I started feeling a lot better. We found out we were having a boy just before Christmas. We immediately agreed on the name Sage Ryan DesAutels

Skipping ahead a little bit...I am now 30 weeks pregnant, the nursery is completed, and I feel huge! I have had two wonderful baby showers. My first one was in Tulsa with a bunch of friends from OSU. Then last week a couple shower here in Houston. Both were wonderful! We have the best friends!! I have one more shower planned next weekend given by friends of my moms.
We are anxiously awaiting Tuesday afternoon, which is our 4D ultrasound. We can't wait to share the pictures with everyone!
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