Sage loves his walker!
Sage loves to play with his BFF Colt!
Colt is wondering why Sage is trying to eat the soccer ball
I"ll show you how to play with ball Sage!
Sage loves his walker!
Sage loves to play with his BFF Colt!
Colt is wondering why Sage is trying to eat the soccer ball
I"ll show you how to play with ball Sage!
Far away
Close up. A momma duck with her new ducklings by the lake in our neighborhood.
Sage fell asleep during our walk
A picture taken by Daddy with the new camera and lens
One more
Me and my baby boy!
With all the toys around the kids just wanted to watch the balloon!
Sage and his BFF, birthday boy, Colt, in his new wagon!
Before you know it Sage will be one!!
**My parents, brother, and Suzanne left today for the greatest trip of their life! They went to Africa to pick up Desmond. Please keep them in your prayers. You can follow their story on
He wanted to jump in before it was our turn! So cute!
Happy New Year!
Napping with Daddy outside in the orbit chair
On the plane home!
I just noticed I only posted pictures of the kids. They were the cutest anyway! Mac and Jenny, Jessica and Danny, and Katie and Philip were there too!!
I hope everyone had an amazing New Years!
The birthday boy with Mom and Dad!
Leighton (11.5 months, Gage 1 yr, and Sage 8 months)
One last try with the sign!
Happy Eight Months Sage!! We love you!!!