We had so much fun taking Sage to the Homecoming game. He had a great time before the game and during the game cheering on the Cowboys! Unfortunantly we did not win, but it was a good game!
Warning: Picture overload!!!

The rodeo team of OSU were letting people try to rope the these cows. Sage just wanted to sit on one. Aunt Carly helped him stay on!
Pitching practice with the OSU baseball team!
Ready for the game with our good friends, Pete and Gretchen! So glad we met up with them and they could come up to the suite with us and enjoy the game!

The angle of this picture is horrible. NEVER let people take pictures of you while they are sitting down. I look like a giant but its still a cute pic of Sage!

Cheering on the POKES!

Taking a break from the game to play with blocks.

Touchdown Cowboys! We taught Sage the traditional Cowboy Wave, OSU students and alumni do when we score points.

Feeding Dadda ice cream. Sage loved feeding me, Ryan, Jason, Mimi and Carly ice cream.

Papa grabbing and shaking Sage's face. It looks crazy but Sage loved it! When my Dad would stop, Sage would look at him and put his hands on his own face. He was laughing so hard. It was so cute.

Playing with Play dough during the game. He couldn't watch the whole time.

My new boots I bought at the game!!! The first real cowgirl boots I have ever bought. Black and Organge, gotta love it! Pricey, but worth it!

Trying to get money from Papa, like mother like Son!

My sister, Carly and her husband, Jason with Ryan and Me.

Still smiling after the game with a cheerleader.
Headed back to Houston. Bye bye Stilly!
Having fun on the plane.
What a fun weekend!
Somehow I have no pictures of my mom, Sorry mom! We had fun with you too! Thank you for everyting you do to help me with Sage when we go on trips! Couldn't do it without your help!!