Holding the Dadda's drinks on the way to the park.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Not so perfect...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Ultrasound today

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Love for Avery
The Decorations
It was a sip and see, so all the presents were displayed for all to see!
' The Games!
Guests had to guess how old I was in these pictures. I didn't even know all of them
5 Guests had to chug water out of baby bottles.
Stevie, Amanda, Jean, My mom, and Ashley thanks for being good sports!
Jean, Ryan's mom, won!
Especially my friend Stevie. She drove down from Dallas with her husband to visit and come to my shower. She is like a sister to me and always will be, her being there meant so much! Plese pray for her and Collin, they are trying to start a family! They will be a great parents!
We have our 33 week appt and ultrasound tomorrow morning. Please pray that Avery is healthy with her head down!!Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Poor Guy
So Messy and Fun!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Counting down the days
Ok, Sage would not take Ryan's hat and ONE of my black leather gloves off the other day. Even after we changed his clothes. It was so funny, He looked like an 80s rapper or something...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
What a blessing!
The first night he was a little freaked out when we said he was sleeping in this new room, he cried for a bit until I calmed him down by laying with him and looking at my pictures on my I phone. Once he fell asleep I left and he slept the whole night! When he woke up he just stood in the middle of his room and waited for me to get him. That was 6:30- a little early for me. The next night was easier, no crying, just me laying with him and he slept till 5:30, woke up, turned on his mobile, grabbed a book form his bookcase and then fell back asleep till 8!!!
I have heard horror stories about transitioning toddlers into beds too early. I wanted Sage to be used to his new room and new bed before Avery joined us in March. I think we are off to a good start. He loves his new room and loves to lie in his new bed. Tonight I laid down with him and told him that I was going to go downstairs and he was going to go night night. He said ok and I left. No tears, no running to the door. He just got up and grabbed his sippie cup of water, took a drink, and climbed back in bed and went to sleep!! I hope he keeps this up!!!
Thank you Sage!!
One less thing to stress about! Now to get Avery’s nursery ready… only 9 more weeks till my due date!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Playing in the sand on the last day at El Darado!
Last day in Cabo
First day, at the airport waitng to be picked up, Sage made a friend!
Leonardo Dicaprio was playing Bags with two other guys right behind Sage at this point.
Taking it all in, what a hard life!
Last Day in Cabo with Mama and Dadda
A picture of me finally, of course sage is covering my HUGE belly.
This was the last morning in Cabo. We decided to keep the curtains open so we could see the sunrise. What a beautiful place!