Last weekend Ryan and I took Avery to Dallas to meet baby Aiden. Stevie and Collins 6 week old baby girl! Stevie has been my friend since before I can even remember.
One of my first friends ever.
She moved to Dallas in third grade and I thought my life was over. We grew up, our families stopped vacationing together, we went to college, graduated, started re connecting through Facebook, went through some tough times in our lives together, married the loves of our lives and really started to become best friends again! Going on vacations together, really getting to know eachothers husbands and catching up on the years we missed. Through it all I have considered her a sister and I always will. When I found out I was pregnant with Sage, Stevie was the FIRST friend of mine to get him a gift. When I had Avery she came down for a week to just help out! Cooked, cleaned, helped with both kids- a Godsend! Something that I will never be able to repay her for and she doesn't expect me to.
Just like a sister!
Stevie and Collin tried for a while to get pregnant. It tore me up, I wish getting pregnant was easy for all loving couples! When I got the call that Stevie was pregnant I cried. Like tears streaming down my face. I was so happy!! Did I mention I was on an airplane? People walking on the plane thought I was crazy Im sure. :)
Well 9 months later Stevie and Collin had sweet Baby Aiden. She is a beautiful gift from our Lord and she is so blessed to have Stevie as her Mommy and Collin as!her Daddy!
Here is the oldest picture I could find of Stevie and I. Ready for Kindergarten!!

(no idea why this is sideways)

Here is our weekend in pictures!
Baby Aiden - 6 weeks

Aiden has a giraffe like Avery's ladybug! She was so happy!

Play time with Kate, another baby girl of a good long time friend, Kinsey.
Thanks for stopping by Kins!

Photo shoot with Avery in her baptism dress!!

Silly Girl!
We had a great weekend meeting Aiden and spending time with Stevie and Collin. We can't wait to see them again and for Avery and Aiden to grow up together. No, they won't live in the same city, or see eachother everyday but because of that distance they will cherish the time they do spend together. They will know they can always count on eachother no matter how much time goes by between visits.
Just like sisters.
Just like Stevie and Me