Jenny Ellis is Ryan's best freind, Mac's, girlfriend. We were so lucky to have her as our Labor and Delivery Nurse. She did such a good job. Everything was calm, even when we were having complications with Sage's heart rate. She kept us informed and happy the whole labor. I will never be able to thank her enough! I know Jenny will be a part of Sage's life forever. Thank you Jenny for everything you did that day and being such a great friend! 
Hey Keri, saw your comment about the two month well check. At two months Gage was pretty hit or miss with the naps. He wasn't really on a schedule until about three months. At three months he would get up about 5 I would feed him, and then he would go back to sleep till about 7. He was up for about two and a half hours and then went back to sleep at 9:30 and slept till 11. Then he went back down for an afternoon nap at 2. This is basically still our schedule except he doesn't get up at 5 any more for that feeding. He sleeps till 7, then goes back down for a morning nap between 9:30-10:00 and will sleep for between an hour and hour and a half. Hope this helps some. Hang in there, the schedule will just kind of fall into place. Have fun this weekend at the lake (talked to Amanda earlier and she said yall were going down there) Also, I went to Baylor with Jenny and Daniel went to highschool with her. Small world.