I leave Sage with my mom, Jean (Ryan's mom), or Jessica at least twice a week while I go work out. So, I figure that dropping him off with the child care workers at our church, while I went to a bible study would be easy. Boy was I WRONG! As I dropped him off and was talking to the ladies in his room I noticed I was fighting back tears and sweating alot. I left him there very confident that he would be fine, the ladies were very nice that were taking care of him and he is a very easy baby. Usually happy and can be consoled by anyone if he is upset. Even though I knew he was fine and I left him smiling, it was really HARD to be away from him. I didn't stop sweating for about 30 minutes and was on the verge of tears the whole two hours. I picked Sage up and he was so happy. He did a great job and was happy to see me. I was fine untill I got home and then I just lost it. Ryan's mom came over and I just cried to her about how hard it was to leave him. I guess it was because I didn't know the people I was leaving him with very well. I talked to my mom and Ryan
two hours later and got choked up again. Then tonight, while I was putting him to bed, I started crying again! I was thinking about how Ryan and I are going to Jamaica in 5 weeks with out Sage. That is going to be super hard. At least he will be with my parents and Ryan's parents.
I don't know how moms that go back to work after having a baby do it! I could not emotionally leave Sage every day. I can't even do it for two hours! I am so blessed that I get to stay home with Sage. Thanks Ryan!

After we got home from the bible study
Gosh, I know how you are feeling! Leaving Gage at MDO this week was so hard, but I know it was good for both of us! I started leaving him in the church nursery when he was 4 months while Daniel and I went to the service, and the first time I did it, I cried all service. It will get easier I promise!
ReplyDeleteI remember that feeling like it was just yesterday. It was the hardest thing I think I have ever done. It is very hard to leave your child with someone you don't know and he doesn't know either. I just had to tell myself that she was in a safe place and everything will be just fine. If she got upset they would let me know. You are such a good mommy Keri!!! I hope you have so much fun on your vacation with Ryan! Sage will have a blast with the grandparents!
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you for making it through the whole bible study! I know it was extremely hard, and I'm sorry. You are such a wonderful mom!! Sage is one lucky boy : )