We went to his weel check and everything was GREAT!
We have a healthy baby boy!
Some things he is doing...
He is 22 lbs 10 oz. (25%)
He is 33 in tall (50%)
Sage goes to bed between 8 and 8:30 and wakes up between 7 and 7:30 in the morning
He loves to eat pancakes, toast, peaches, Maccaroni and cheese, ANY pasta, deli meat, peas, corn, black beans, grapes, adn watermelon
Sage is talking all the time saying words like Mama, Dada, Papa, Nana, golf cart, bird, up, bye bye, car, no,
We just taught Sage to say Hola while we were in Cabo this week
His favorite thing to do is ride in golf carts. Its the first thing on his mind in the morning!
Sage loves to wave hello and goodbye
I love his belly laugh!!
He loves to sit in the laundry basket and I found him sitting in my suitcase while unpacking
Sage loves to swim and be outside
He cries when he doesn't get his way (we are working on that)
He likes to be naked
He likes to sing itsy bitsy spider and do the hand motions
He can blink and clap and dance on que!
He is climbing on everything!
Sage loves to fill up buckets, baskets, bins with toys and then dump them all out.
Sage pretends to blow his nose on tissues or napkins (learned this from Colt)
Sage is growing up so fast and we love him so much!

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