Sage seems to be growing up so fast! He has started Mothers Day Out which he is still getting used to. We are having some MAJOR seperation anxiety issues. I know he will get better, its just so hard to leave him crying at church, bible study, and MDO. He cries off and on the whole time. Plus, we are transitioning into one nap a day. He does great when he is at home, but at school and church he is so tired. Even more crying! Can't wait until he runs in and doesn't want to leave. Seems very far off.
I know seperation anxiety is a normal developmental stage, its just so hard. Any suggestions?
Here are some pictures of my big boy!

Big Brother Practice!

Do not take my Guacamole!

Fun with Baby Bryson and Colt!

Playing at Ryan and Garrett's soccer game!
Brushing his TWO teeth like a big boy!

A little help from Dadda!
Sorry, I don't have any advice on the whole separation anxiety thing, but if you figure it out, please let me know! Connor is going through the same thing and it breaks his mama's heart!!
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