Thankfully I have had tons of help from my Mom, Ryans Mom, and my sister Carly. I have not had to be home alone with both of the kiddos yet. And my good friend, Stevie, is coimng in from Dallas this week to help out. My mom is in LA now, awaiting the arrival of my neice, Charlotte. I can't wait to have her back but I know she is needed there too.
The first few days and nights were great because Avery slept so much, now things have changed. She cries ALOT more than Sage did as an infant. I am exclusivley breast feeding so that has been a struggle as well. Avery wants to eat whenever she is awake. She is either screaming or eating or sleeping on me. I have had a few all-nighters.
I called the doctor yesterday to see if she had any advise for me. She said it sounded like Avery was using me as a pacifier and to try different kinds and sizes of pacifiers to see if she is satisfied that way. That helped alot last night. She slept in between feedings pretty well. I put a small travel infant bed in the bed with me, so I have been sleeping right next to her with my arm in her bed holding her pacifier in untill she falls asleep. Or sometimes I fall asleep in the glider while burping her. Last night I was so tired we just stayed in the glider until her next feeding. Whatever works right now! Its survival mode for the first few months I remember.
Hopefully tonight gets even better.
Now for Sage...
He is pretty good with her. He always wants her to have her pacifier and wants to put it in her mouth. He gets a little upset sometimes when I am holding her or feeding her and can't hold him. I hate when that happens. Two nights last week he stayed with my in-laws and I missed him so much. But I know that he has more fun over there right now. That has been one of the hardest things. Having something for Sage to do ALL THE TIME. Avery is pretty easy during the day, but Sage needs to be active. That is what I fear when I'm alone with the two of them. I don't want Sage to be infront of the TV all day or be bored or feel like he is second in any way.
Which brings me to my next thought. I hate it when people tell me that my only job right now is to breastfeed my baby. That is not my ONLY job. I have another child to take care of and love. I am not opposed to supplementing with formula. I havn't had to yet, but I think that is perfectly fine. Sage was a formula fed baby and he is just fine. Whatever the next few weeks bring, I know that I am doing what is best for Avery, Sage, Ryan, and myself. Thats all that matters.
I'll leave you with a few new pictures of my angels!
Sleeping with her new paci!!!
Hang in there, my friend!! Glad to hear she found a good paci. Hopefully that gives mama some freedom for some more sleep and Sage time! (c: I'll give you a call when things settle down a bit, but know I am thinking about you!! Hugs!