The kids are in Conroe with Nana and Grandpa,
our bags are packed, and
we are ready to head to the airport in an hour!
We are headed to California to a fitness Spa.
Cal-a-vie here I come!!!
To say Sage has been a handful lately is an understatement. I love both my kiddos so much but I need a vacation!!
This is my second trip to Cal-a-vie. Your day is spent going on hikes and to fitness classes all morning and then get pampered in the spa all afternoon! You tell them ahead of time what calorie diet you want to be on. They plan all your meals and snacks to add up to the correct callorie allotment.
NO THINKING! Just a healthy fun vacation!
I've been waiting to go to Cal-a-vie again since we left three years ago. I can't wait to see what Ryan thinks about it!
Here are the kids already having fun with Nana and Grandpa! Thanks guys! Love you!
Ready to go!

We are flying into LA to meet up with my brother, Brian, and sister in law, Suzanne. I'm excited I get to see my niece and nephew before we go too!
and Charlie (Charlotte)
My mom is already there. She is taking care of Desmond and Charlie while we all go.
YAY for Grandparents!!
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