This past weekend we (including my parents) flew to LA to visit my brothers family and meet baby Charlotte (Charlie). We had such a great time. Yes, the boys had a hard time sharing but all in all they had fun! I loved seeing all four of them together. It just so neat that Sage and Desmond were born three weeks apart and Avery and Charlie are two weeks apart. Only God can make this so perfect! To think that Desmond and Sage were born worlds apart and are now best buds is just cool- a God thing for sure! Enjoy the pictures of the weekend!!
On the plane- Avery's First flight- I have two great travelers!
Bath time!

First meeting (6 weeks and 8 weeks old)
Desmonds had his birthday party while we were there!

Cousins on Mother's Day!!

Mother's Day Brunch

I wish they lived closer!
It looks like y'all had such a great trip!! I can't get over how cute the 4 cousins are together : )