Sage is TWO!
I don't remember having this much JOY in life before Sage. Ryan and I are so truly blessed to have this amazing boy in our lives.
We went to Sage's two year doctor appointment and he is a healthy happy baby...I mean toddler.
Here are some things that I want to remember about this time in Sage's life.
-Sage is 2 feet 11 inches tall putting him in the 75%
-He is 28 pounds which puts him in the 50%
-He still doesn't have a lot of teeth. Only about four on top, but getting his molars now and then two on bottom in the front and two in the back. "Don't worry" says the doctor. :)
-Sage is a ball of energy, he is up around 6:30 now (yuck) but I keep him in his bed till about 7. -
-He just lays there sucking on his paci watching his mobile and sometimes talking to himself
-Yes, he still loves his "night, night" (pacifier) but ONLY gets it when he is laying in bed at night and naps. He likes to have at least two at night if not more
-He is not a big breakfast person but does like pancakes from McDonald's and bananas!
-Sage still goes to Mothers Day Out Wednesdays and Fridays and he really likes it. He has gotten in trouble a few times for hitting and biting since Avery has been born. We are working on that...
-Sage loves to play in the car in the driver seat. He has learned how to turn on the car and begs to "turn key" every time we go somewhere now.
-In the car he likes to watch "Gogo," which is The Cat in the Hat, he used to just hold the headphones but now he puts them around his neck with the part that goes over your head right in front of his mouth. Sometimes in his mouth when I'm not looking.
-He also loves to point out big trucks and "tun tuns" (tunnels) which are just highway overpasses
-Sage talks A LOT now. He is starting to say short sentences. "Dadda work" "me hit mamma" "Avery go?"
-He says " Come back Mamma" or "Come on" all the time to everyone he wants to follow him
-Sage started to say "ok" lately. he says it all the time.
-He loves to make people laugh. whether its his cousins, the kids on the street, or me, if we laugh at something he does he will do it over and over again.
-Sage LOVES to be chased
-Sage does not like to eat many vegetables. He does like most fruit and can't get enough PASTA
- Sage loves CANDY especially "candy pops" (any kind of sucker)
-Recently Sage does not like to be washed while in the bath. He just wants to play. He also does not have a problem having to get out of the bath BUT he does not want to be wrapped in a towel-its so weird
-Sage goes to bed at night great. We still have to lock him in his room (I'm scared he may fall down the stairs if he got out in the middle of the night). Ryan, Avery and I read books with him after bath time and then he says goodnight to Dadda and Avery. Then Sage and I get down on our knees and pray. I just started this and I love that he wants to get down on his knees and pray! Then he lays down and I sing twinkle twinkle little star and then Jesus loves me. After these songs I kiss him goodnight and he knows its time to sleep. We very rarely have problems and its usually only if we have been on vacation or at the grandparents houses for several nights.
-Sage surprises me all the time. He loves to thank God for his friends. Every night he thanks God for Colt Emily and Colt. Then on some nights he says Avery, Mimi, Nana, Lia, Cockadoodledoo (I have no idea why) and other relatives or friends. Its so cute. Then I end the prayer with "I love you Jesus" and we both say AMEN together. Precious
-Sage is a great big brother to Avery. If Avery is asleep when I get him in the morning or at nap time, he always asks where she is.
-One day I dropped Avery off at Diane's house and he was so concerned. He kept asking for her.
-He loves to hold her hand in the car
- He kisses her all the time, reads books to her, and likes to make her smile
-He does not like it when Avery cries "Averys crying Mamma" (Like I don't know)
-Of course Sage likes to play with Averys toys and sit in her chairs. So cute!
-Occasionally when I'm holding Avery, Sage will say "hold Mamma" which means he wants me to hold him and sometimes there is fake crying.
-When we first brought Avery home Sage tried to geed her a dum dum. We had a long discussion about what Avery eats. I re visit that a lot by saying "What can Avery eat Sage?" "Only milk Mamma!"
-Sage loves to spot Dadda coming home from work and jump in his car and ride up the driveway on his lap!
-Its so neat to see him putting couples together. For example when he sees Mimi he asks where Papa is or when he sees Jacob he asks where Laurie is. The funniest thing is that when he sees my sister he not only asks where J is but also asks for "woof, woof" (her dog Bailey)
-So...potty training hasn't really started yet. We have the little potty and he sits on it, but he has never actually gone in it yet. Its early right?!?
-Sage loves to swim. He has been in a swimming class for the last four months with Ryan and I can't wait to start swimming with him this summer. (if i ever get into a swimsuit again..UGH)
-We have three families in our cul-de-sac with pre school and elementary age children. Sage loves to play with the "big Kids" on the street. If he sees or hears them while inside he runs to the front window and yells "big kids, big kids"
-Sage loves to spend time with his grandparents. Every other Monday night he stays with Ryans Parents so we can go to Bible study and I can get some things done around the house. And he sees my parents usually once a week too. And on the weekends we are usually hanging out with family
-He also likes to spend time with my sister, Car Car! Even better when she brings Woof!
-His closest friends right now are twins Emily and Luke, Lia, Colt, and Bennett. Fun times!
I have never written this much. There is just so much going on with Sage right now. Everything is new and he is learning and growing every day. He is a sweet boy and we love him more and more each day. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for him.
IF you have stayed with me this long..I'm surprised..but thanks! Here are some recent pictures of my TWO year old!!
Holding Avery's hand in the car
Practicing opening his mouth for the doctor

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