On November 6, eight months, at the hospital meeting Tatum!
At an Aeros game after meeting Tatum! Smiliing at our cousin Lisa
Here are somethings I don't want to ever forget!
Avery is....
Avery is....
Almost 22 lbs (hasn't been weighed since flue shot at 7 months)
Eating the same as last month- baby food for breakfast lunch and dinner plus bottles at each meal and an extra one around 3
not liking the puffs we have tried to give her.
taking two naps 9am and noon
goes to bed at 7pm and wakes between 6 and 7 (the time change has made for some early mornings)
Loves when Daddy wears a hat- she loves to play with baseball hats!
still goes to bed with no rocking, just watches her mobile till she falls asleep (thank God!)
"talking" a lot- mostly dadadada and nananana. I've heard a couple mamamammas too!
loves to watch Sage do anything even if hes being way too rough with her
laughs and smiles ALL the time
really only fussy when shes hungry or tired
has started to prefer that I hold her rather than strangers. Still does well at the nursery at school though!
standing up- holding on to something of course
has pulled up to a standing position a couple times
loves to crawl- only backwards
still loves her bouncy and now loves her walker too
is TOTALLY smitten with her Uncle Jason- He makes her laugh so hard!
loves bath time
is pulling hair a alot and putting everything in her mouth
does not have any teeth yet
wearing a ponytail sometimes- so cute!
Sage at eight months
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