That is something you want to hear from your husband when your 8 month old daughter and pregnant sister are the only ones with him in the house. As I ran across the street into the house I couldn't help but think of what could have happened.
I walked in and saw my sister sitting on the ground. "My water broke!" She said
WOW what a night!!
We were all getting ready for teh big OSU K state football game. Jessica and Danny were coming over with the kids and my a few of my neighbors were outside enjoying the weather. i was outside with Sage taking to my friends Beth , Tiffany and (another) Tiffany when I heard Ryan yell "Keri, Come Quick!"
Carly was only 35 weeks pregnant and her water broke Saturday night right before the OSU game. I quickly (not that calmly) took her to the hospital and met Jason (her husband) and my dad there. Ryan stayed home with the kids and Jessica and my neighbors helped with Sage and Avery. I have great friends! My mom was out of town and Jason was on the night shift at work. Everyone made it eventually, and we stayed up (almost) all night waiting for Tatum to come. Carly had Tatum yesterday morning, November 6. She was due Dec. 7. Tatum was 5 pounds 11 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long.
Carly had a fever right after having Tatum but is feeling good now. (well as good as you can feel the day after having a baby)
Tatum is in the NICU but doing well. We hope she gets to come home soon!
Waiting for her to come. Watching the Cowboys stressfull game helped the time go by faster. What a great WIN!

And she's here!!
Tatum and my Mom, Mimi
Tatum, Jason and his Mom

My dad and Tatum

Holding her Momma's hand
And her Daddy's
So, Saturday evening when we went to visit Tatum in the NICU they let us walk right in with Sage and Avery. No questions asked.
(We found out today that children are NOT allowed- oops!)
We got some great pictures though!
Sage was a little scared at first, but just looked at her and smiled. Later that night he kept asking for her and prayed for her before bed
Avery was very interested in the monitor with all the blinking numbers
And wanted to hold Tatum's hand
(promise she wasn't that close to touching her, looks like it from this angle though)
I am completely in love with my niece and am excited to watch her and Avery grow up so close! They are exacly 8 months apart.
More pictures from today later...
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