Avery turnend 10 Months January 6.
Didn't get a pciture with the 10 month sign, but I did take pictures that day.
I can't believe she is almost a year old already.
Here is what she is up to these days:
Sleeps great at night from 7pm- 7am (usually)
Her naps are getting a little more unpredictable. She can stay awake longer in the morning so she is taking her 2 hour nap around 10. There are days that she doesn't get an afternoon nap at all. And some days she goes down again around 3. At least its easy to tell when she is tired
She is eating almost exclusivly table food.
Sleeps great at night from 7pm- 7am (usually)
Her naps are getting a little more unpredictable. She can stay awake longer in the morning so she is taking her 2 hour nap around 10. There are days that she doesn't get an afternoon nap at all. And some days she goes down again around 3. At least its easy to tell when she is tired
She is eating almost exclusivly table food.
Favorites food so far are- pasta, avacado, deli tukey and deli honey ham, beans, peaches,tortillas and rice
Avery celebrates every bite by clapping and waving her hands in the highchair
(Ok, this is the only pic I took of her on jan. 6...oops!)
She is drinking more and more out of a sippie cup
She loves her car and I love that everyone likes to push her around!! Avery loves to dance and clap when she hears music!
She is always looking for Sage and wanting to play with him (he doesn't always like that) Here she is watching him on the new mini trampoline
She likes to play with toys that light up, make noise, and that she can manipulate all herself and SO DO I!
She loves to jump. Whether on the trampoline or on the ground she loves to jump
Everything goes into her mouth right now
She started saying Mama this month! I think she knows that Mama is me too!
She has started to prefer me when I'm in the room and gets upset when I leave but only for a bit. We have only had one bad day at Church where we had to pick her up early. Unfortunantly it was Christmas Eve
She still loves to smile all the time and her belly laugh is adorable!
Avery loves to watch her Aunt Carly and Uncle J's dog Bailey run around
My sister and I are already planning her Ladybug first birthday party. Seen anything cute? Of course we are all over Pintrest and etsy!
Avery, we can't imagine life without you. You make us laugh and fill us with joy everyday.
(not every second, but thats normal)
I love watching you grow and change into a little toddler. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. I pray for you everyday; for your school days, your future husband, and your future family. We love you Avery!
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