'm excited and a little nervouse to see how he handles this next week. The teacher told us not to have any expectiations. (Sage's friends Lia, Emily and Luke are all moving up together!) Sage could run in and out of the main room the whole time, cry for me to come in, or be fine and just stick with his teacher. The only thing us moms are NOT supposed to do is go into the gym. Fine with me! We will see how he does Tuesday! He is such a big boy!!
Here are some pictures of his "Show off Day" at his last class before moving up!! He can do all the skills and some all by himself! He can do them all without me now, so I got to take lots of pics!
Jumping- together and apart
Donkey Kicks

Favorite part of class...BALLS
Making sure Avery has a ball

Playing the "drums" and singing the goodbye song.
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