Sage is 16 weeks old today. We go for our 4 month well check next Tuesday. Things are going well at the DesAutels house. Sage is now sleeping about 11 hours at night with out his arms being swaddled. Next step is to loose the swaddle all together. Baby steps. He is napping with out me now! This is a huge success for us. He takes two short naps and then one long afternoon nap. I can't wait to start feeding him rice cereal next week. We'll see how it goes!
Here are some recent pictures from around the house. 

Yesterday I took Sage to my parents house to swim with his second cousins, Payton (6) and the triplets (3), Carson, Sophie and Reece. They all wanted to hold him! Don't worry Lisa was really holding him mostly.

and Payton and Lisa
Keri he is so cute. It makes me laugh though, because I everytime I see pictures of Sage I see that he and Ryder have the exact same outfits!!!! So weird and so funny!