We had Sage baptized this past Sunday. It was a very special and important day to us. He did a great job. He was awake during the whole service and didn't fuss! It was the first time we have taken him to church. He was baptized at the same church I was baptized in. What made the day extra special was all the friends and family that attended. My brother and Suzanne were in town from LA and My sister and Jason were in town from Oklahoma! After the service we had a reception at the house for those who could make it. It is great that so many people love Sage so much. God is Good!!
On the way to the church...he is REALLY excited can't you tell?!

My parents got to represent the session and read a few lines. It was special!

Ruby giving Sage his pacifier

Waiting for the food

Colt and Leighton playing on the floor. They are so grown up! We missed you Lia!

More pictures to come....
Wish we could've been there to celebrate Sage's special day, sorry we didn't make it over! Once Lia starts sleeping through the night (and we get caught up on our sleep so we don't feel like zombies all the time), we will be able to join the world again : )