His stats
Weight- 14 lbs 4 oz 40 percentile (he gained 4 lbs in two months)
Weight- 14 lbs 4 oz 40 percentile (he gained 4 lbs in two months)
Length- 25 in 50 percentile (2 in. taller than last visit)
Head- 14 in 25 percentile
Head- 14 in 25 percentile
We got the ok to start feeding him rice cereal mixed with formula. She also said that if he is doing well with the cereal, after about 2 to 3 weeks, we could start baby food! Starting with vegetables. We are excited that our little baby is growing up! We will have to video the cereal attempt.
Dr Sandifer and Sage

Sage is starting to laugh! It's the best sound in the world!
What a happy boy! I know you are so proud of him eating his rice cereal and sleeping for so long - that's awesome! It's amazing how fast they grow up...