Sunday, February 28, 2010
10 Months... I guess
Well there is no 29th in February, so we are celebrating Sage's 10 months on the 28! So many things are starting to happen with Sage now. Just so I will never forget I like to write them down.

- He is takeing a few steps alone!! Totally skipped crawling!
- He wakes around 6:30. He stays in his crib till 7 every morning
- Has two naps 9am and 1:30. ON great days they are both 2 hours!
- He eats gerber baby food stage 2 or 3 at breakfast, lunch and dinner (He gags on stage 3 and table food sometimes, so i'm scared to feed it to him) SUGGESTIONS?!?!?!
- NO TEETH YET (will I be sending him to Jr. High with baby food?!?!)
- He goes to bed at 7/7:30ish every night
- I just have to lay him down for naps and bed time now!! No more rocking him, he wants to get up and play if I do that. getting him to sleep is not a headache anymore! Praise the Lord!
- If sage is not standing or walking he must be asleep. He LOVES to be on his feet!
- Sage is great at kicking the soccer ball. I taught him that, not ryan surprise surprise!!
- He loves to give high fives. We are trying to teach him to spell OSU with his arms!
- Sage says Moma and Dada alot. I kinda thinks he knows what he is saying now.
Sage is growing so fast and we love to see what changes will happen each day!
Ryan's soccer game
My parents met us at Ryan's soccer game Sunday. Sage loved picking up all the leaves off the ground. Here are some pics from the morning

Fun with Lia!
Sage and Lia love to get together for swim lessons, dinners, or just hanging out during the day. They are really starting to interact. I just have to be close so Sage doesn't grab her face. They like to hold hands, so cute!!

Future Couple?!?!?
(the babies not Ryan and Philip) :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
First Steps!!
Sage took his first few steps today! Only a few at my parents house this morning, then many more at our house with Ryan. We got his first try at home on video. I just know he will be chasing BFF Colt any day now!!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sage's new trick!
Sage has learned to stand on his own! He did it Friday for the first time at my parents house. As long as he is distracted by a block (or phone) he can stay up. As soon as he realizes he is standing alone he reaches for someone, sits, or falls. He is growing so fast! I guess this means he will walk BEFORE crawling.
Don't know how to rotate the video...
Don't know how to rotate the video...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Valentine's Day
After Sage and I finally got over the stomach bug, we celebrated Valentines Day as a family with my parents. It has been a long and emotional two weeks, but I am so thankful that God has blessed us with Sage. He is the love of our lives and we can't wait to see what the future holds for our family. True Love...

Keep your eye on the ball!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Team Grandpa you can tell we did not go to LA this weekend. My parents, brother, Suzanne and Desmond got stuck in Kenya longer then they thought. We will be traveling to LA this Friday! I can't wait to meet Desmond and I havn't seen my mom in 4 weeks! Crazy! I miss my Mom more than I thought I would. She really is my best friend, and I can't wait to see her on Friday!

On the home front...Sage is SICK. It started Saturday. He couldn't keep ANY food down. He threw up everything. Then today (Sunday) he woke up with a fever and still couldn't keep anything down. Stuff out both ends (gross, I know) we went to teh doctor and he has a stomach virus. We got a prescription for the vomiting and he already seems much better than this morning. I hope tomorrow is an even better day. I hate it when he's sick.
My mom is still in LA but my dad came home to work this week. He came over to watch the superbowl with Ryan and I. Really, he came over to see Sage. Sage perked up while he was here. He even gave me a smile during a picture!
This is what team Sage was rooting for during the game!
Monday, February 1, 2010
9 Months!
Sage turned 9 months on January 29!
-He is 18 lbs 12 oz In the 20% (only 8 oz up from 3 months ago)- doc doesn't seem to be worried
-28 1/4 inches tall in the 50 % (up two inches form 6 month visit)
-He sleeps from 6:30- about 6am and takes two naps one around 8:30 and one about 12:30
-He loves to walk everywhere holding on to someone of course
-He likes to drink form his sippie cup, so we only offer the bottle in the mornings and before bed
-He "talks" alot! mama, dada. nana. tata and funny spitting and clicking noises
-He eats oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, veggie and fruit for lunch, and meat with a fruit at dinner. All gerber baby food stage 2
-He loves his light up table, his new walker, and his bouncy seat.
-While I get ready in the morning or eat breakfast he likes to sit in his bouncy seat, play and watch cartoons.
-He is NOT crawling yet, and doesn't seem to be at all interested. Its hard on me because that means I am bending over walking with him all day. He always wants to be standing up. We practice crawling everyday but nothing yet. Maybe he will go straight to walking.
Here are some 9 month pics!
Looks like he is pointing to his sign :)
Lia and Sage after a trip to the mall with their mommies!
Colt was feeding Sage those gerber puffs. So cute!
Ryan and I are so excited about our trip to LA to meet Desmond. We leave this Friday and will be in LA untill Tuesday. I can't wait to see my parents, Brian, Suzanne and lkittle Dez! I missed them so much! I'm sure there will be a LOT of pictures taken. Slide show coming soon!!
Read Desmond's story at
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