Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Avery's 2 Year Stats

Avery's 2nd birthday was last week on March 6.  I wanted to write some things down about Avery at two so I will never forget. 

Avery is as big as a three year old!! 33 lbs and in the 97% in weight and 36 in. tall which puts her in 94% in height.

She is a healthy, lively little girl.  Her doctor was impressed with her speech and vocabulary, not so impressed that she still sucks on a pacifier. :)

Avery does still use her pacifier and blanket to feel comfortable especially when she isn't with me.  We are working on it.  Pacifier only in bed is the goal right now.

We just transitioned Avery into a toddler bed this week.  She is doing AMAZING! She loves her princess sheets and pillowcase her Aunt carly, Uncle Jason, and Tatum gave her.  She has not gotten out of bed once.  I hope i'm not jinxing myself. :)WAY different then Sage.

Avery loves to laugh and boy does she laugh.  She makes herself laugh mostly.  She has this fake loud laugh that she will do and it just cracks us up.

She has learned how to climb in and out of her crib (thats why we had to transition to the toddler bed)  Since we still have the crib in her room she will run upstairs and just lay in it sometimes.  No crib next week though!  FInally sold it!

Avery loves to eat bananas.  She will eat two in a row at times. She loves to peel them herself.  She also loves reeces, grapes, hotdogs, carrotts, avacado, refried beans, cheese, frosting, milk, powdered donuts, and pudding!

Avery wants to do everying "all by myself!" She is one tough little girl, tries to do everything Sage does.  She can climb up the rock wall on our playground set, walk across the (wider) balance beam at The little Gym, and eat with a spoon and fork all by herself.

Avery's favorite thing right now is Disney Princesses. She adores everything Cinderella and Princess Sophia. We just had a princess themed birthday pary for her where she had to be both Cinderella and Princess Sophia at different times during the party. 

She loves to dress up and play with Sage.  Sage has costumes as well and he will ask Avery to play costumes with him.  They dress up and dance together as prince and princess.  It is the sweetest thing

Sage and Avery are playing more and more together. They don't awlays get along but they do share their sweet moments. They play rough together sometimes.  Avery can hold her own with Sage even when they are wrestling around.

Avery has this fake cry she likes to pull our every now and then. It is very easy to decifier the fake cries from the real ones.  I swear I saw her practing in the mirror one day.

I have to put Avery's hair up in apony tail or pigtails everyday or it will be in her eyes and face all day.  She is getting better about holding still while I do her hair.  She even thanks me when I'm done now.  Today she got into my hair rubberband supply and put a bunch just on top of her head and walked out saying "Avery so beautiful"

Some of Avery's favorite sayings are "DEEElicious!" "So beautiful" "All by myself mommy"
"I watch Princess Sophia or Mrs. Pattycake or her new favorite, princess Popstar" (veggietales)
"read books mommy?" "I love you so much mommy" "Daddy's home" "Papa in airplane"

Avery loves to sing and dance!  She wakes up singing in the morning!

She adores her Mimi and Papa and Nana and Grandpa. She loves to spend time with them and stay at their houses.  We like that too. :)

Avery loves to swim, color, play on my i phone, build with blocks, pretend to put on make up, wear my shoes, swing, play with Sage, jump, go to The Little Gym, praying, being chased, be thrown on our bed by Daddy, and she loves to make anyone and everyone laugh.

She is timid around all dogs but my sister's dog, Bailey

Avery is not that great with kids smaller than her.  She is getting a lot better but has the tendency to push and sometimes even bite. Seemingly for no reason at all.  Working on this.  She likes to tell younger children no.  Sorry Lane! :) She does love to give her cousin Tatum hugs an kisses!

Avery is good at remembering names and relationships.  If someone comes over without their husband or child she asks where they are. 

Avery goes to Mothers Day Out twice a week and although she sometimes still cries when I drop her off she stops as soon as I leave and is happy all day. 

Avery is a bundle of energy that makes each and every day one to remember!  I love seeing her love on her brother and Daddy and me.  Her sweet voice saying "mommy I love you so much" just melts my heart. She is a precious little princess and I can't imagine life with out her.  She fills my days with stress at times but more with smiles and laughter.  She will always be my little girl no matter what age she is. 
What a blessing!

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