Tuesday, June 7, 2011

3 months

Avery turned three months yesterday, June 6. Some things I don't want to forget
- She is a great sleeper. She drinks her last bottle around 7 and goes down about 8, then doesn't wake up again until around 6 in the morning! Thank you!!

-She eats every 3-4 hours. 6 oz of formula (just offered her 8 for the first time last night and she drank it all!)

- She smiles when you talk to her and even laughs when you do. So cute!

- She has started grabbing at her toys on her car seat

- She loves to watch Sage... and the TV

- Avery is usually happy watching Sage and I play in her nap nanny or boppy pillow

- She is definitely a paci girl. Loves her NUK pacifier

We are head over heels with our little princess!

Sage had to get in on the fun!

Exactly 3 months old at Nanas

(the other pictures were taken today- 1 day late)

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