Last Thursday night we were able to go up to Windwood and meet Sage's and Avery's new teachers and see their classrooms. Avery was timid at first, clinging on to me, but got down to play after a few minutes. I;m sure she will be in tears the first few weeks. (As Sage was last year too) She will be going to Mothers Day Out twice a week. Sage was so excited to meet his new teacher and see his friends in his class. There are only 11 kids in his class and they have one teacher. AND they don't nap in the 3 year old class! (Good LUCK!) He is considered in Pre school now and he is going three days a week. What a big boy!!
I didn't get ANY pictures of them meeting their teachers or seeing their classroom. There was just too much going on. Including Colt and Sage pulling EVERY book off the bookshelf and making a pile on the floor. Great first impression guys! :) They did pick them all up though after jessica and I ran over and gave them a good talking too. Sage, Colt, Emily, and Luke are all in the same class again this year. It looks like its going to be a great year!
I have TWO full days from 9-2:30 to work out, get manicures, have lunch with my friends, get massages and facials, shop, work on their baby books...
I will be mostly working out, cleaning up the house, doing laundry, ect so I can hug on them and give them all my attention when they get home from school. Oh...and maybe taking a nap!!
I'm mostly excited to see how much they change from the beginning to the end of the year. Once Sage started MDO at Windwood last year, his vocabulary sky-rocketed, he started to fall in love with Bible Stories, he started learning spanish, he learned how to better share and take turns and sit and listen to other adults besides mommy and daddy.
They are growing up so fast, but I am loving every stage! And having days where they are really focused on learning makes me feel good.
So here's to a new school year!
Colt and Sage out in front of Windwood. These two might give their teacher a run for her money! |
Some Staged pictures of my two kiddos after meeting their teacher!
I kept bending down to try and take a picture of her and she was copying me and laughing. So funny! |